Some of you may know that i like Frank Marshall.
His games are interesting to play over,if not bang up to date opening wise.
His go for the throat method of play did not always bring him the results he wanted,but he played good chess.
While looking through the internet i came across these Marshall sites.
The first site
Gives a bio of Marshall with his best games.
The second site
Gives his tournament record and every known Marshall game in a pgn file.
The third site
Gives more information on Marshall,with some games.
Marshall would be a player that many people would say was a strong player,even for his day.
But according to Sonas(First site), his peak rating was 2706 at the end of 1917, making him # 4 in the world!! Not too bad.
Sonas says Marshall's FIVE-YEAR PEAK was 2685.