I played this game a few days ago, i played as black with an opening i would not normally play.
It was 20 minutes each, when we got down to the final position i had just over a minute on my clock,my opponent had over 6 minutes.
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I was thinking of playing 25...Bxa2 26 Ra1 Bc4+ 27 K move a5 and start the pawn rush.
But with so little time i played 25...Kf8 and offered a draw which he took it.
I think i should have won with more time.
The opening was a Scandiavian Icelandic gambit i saw in another game.
I thought that is so not me,my opponent would never think i would play this.
But it back fired on me i spent to much time working out what to do, i did not have the time to try to win!!!!!